Friday, November 29, 2019

Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Essay Example

Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Essay Example Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Paper Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Paper Essay Topic: History Absolutism is first introduced by philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who believes in the power of the state and that men cannot survive in an orderly structure without it. The goals of an absolute monarch are to keep a tight rein on the authority of the church and nobility, to make the monarch the most powerful being in the state, to increase the province and esteem of the country and last but not least, to leave behind a inheritor that can rule the country having the same goals. The seventeen centurys most remarkable monarchs are Louis Quatorze (the Son King of France) and Peter I (the Great) of Russia; their careers as monarchs are conclusively achieved due to that fact that both almost accomplish the four goals of absolutism. Louis Quatorze is born on September 5, 1638, having as parents Anne of Austria and the King Louis XIII. It is not until the year of 1661 that Louis comes to the throne and governs France. Once becoming a king, Louis turns his attention towards the nobility and the church. He realizes that in order to retain absolute control over the government, he has to manipulate the nobility. In doing so, he takes from the nobility the traditional right of ruling in the government. Furthermore, Louis hires people from the upper middle class, who are paid to serve him and the state he has power over. The supervision of France is carried out by the Court of State, Court of Finances and Court of Dispatches, councils proposed by Louis. As K. K Campbell states in Louis and his Era, published in Military History, December 1997 edition, Louis court was renowned for its splendor and sophistication. The King also gains control over the Catholic Church, who had been dominant over the state previously. It is after this, that the Catholic Church losses any type of pronouncements socially, politically and economically. This way, Louis of France minimizes the power of the Catholic Church and nobility, accomplishing one of the goals of absolute monarchism. Campbell also states: What cannot be disputed is that Louis and the formidable military machine he commanded elevated France to a position of pre-eminence during his lifetime and for a century thereafter. Louis also modernizes the army of France, and puts it under the power of Francois-Michel Le Tellier. The army becomes very professional and France takes over European politics. Furthermore, no decision is made without his authority. Louis wants to centralize the government so that all decisions are made through him. Now having control over the nobility, Catholic Church and the army, Louis becomes the most important individual in France, achieving the second goal of an absolute monarchism. One of the most important things that Louis wants to do is to gain territory, power and prestige for France. The fact that the army is very modernize, makes Louis want to use it to his advantage. During his reign, Louis takes part in four major wars: the War of Devolution, The Dutch War, The War of the League of Augsburg and The Spanish War. The United provinces, Spain, England, Bavaria and Saxony joined against France, being fearful that Louis would take over Europe. Louis XIV looses the War of Spain, but remains known for introducing to Europe the New France. France is known as one of the most prestigious countries of the seventeen century, having Versailles as a symbol of French power. As Campbell also states: He helped advance the arts in every field through his enlightened patronage. Everything French was in vogue on the Continent. . The goal of gaining territory is not entirely realized, and misery is found in France in the seventeen century. As Garfield Newman states in The Wars of Louis XIV published in Legacy, The West and The World, 2002, The Grandeur of the French State was in tatters and the people were threatening to revolt, frustrated by years of war and increased taxes. It is why Louis XIV conclusively achieves gaining territory for France. It is the only goal that Louis does not fully accomplish. Last but not least, Louis XIV wants to leave behind an inheritor that can rule the state with the same goals he had during his reign. Louiss first son dies and Louis XV, his grandson, come o the throne. As K. K Campbell states : Louis XIV faced the greatest decision of his life, but he saw no choice but to put his 16-year-old grandson on the throne, grandly declaring the elimination of boundaries between France and Spain by saying, Henceforth, there are no Pyrennees. Louis XIV successfully leaves behind an inheritor, conclusively accomplishing absolute monarchism. Peter the Great is born on May 30th, 1672 and comes to the throne in the year of 1682. He is the third son of Czar Alexis Mikhailovitch. Peters first goal is to minimize the power of the Church and nobility. Peter forms what is known as the Holy Synod, which controls the decisions of the state. This way he has power over the state and the Church. Peter needs people to work for him that he could trust. As Garfield Newman states: Finding little support among the Russian elite, the czar chose to fill important posts based on merit rather than lineage or rank. This way the power of the nobility is minimized and the nobles have to go to school in order to get a job serving the state. As Anatoli Riassnovsly states in Peter the Great, published in A History of Russia, 1963, In 1722 Peter published a Table of Ranks that equated a persons social position and privileges with his rank in the bureaucracy or the army rather than with his position in the nobility. The goal of gaining control over the church and nobility is accomplished by Peter the Great, showing that is he an absolute monarch. Next, Peter wants to become the most important person in Russia and to make all decisions. Now having power over the church, army and the nobility, he has power over the state. As Garfield Newman states: Peter had over one thousand streltsy tortured and executed, and their bodies put on displayed as a lesson to the public. His wife, Eudoxia, and his half sister, both of whom had sympathized with the rebels defense of tradition and religion, were forced to become nuns. This shows the power that Peter had over anybody in Russia. Being the most important person in the state is a goal that he accomplishes. Peters first wish is to gain prestige, power and territory. He believes that he can do that by westernizing Russia. Peter himself travels to different countries of Europe with the goal of seeking different types of art and behavior. As K. K Campbell states in Another Founding Father, published in Military History, April 1999, And Oddly, as much as he brought Russia into Europe, so did he bring Europe into Russia, importing European ways and technologies, even establishing the capital at a new, western city, St. Petersburg. Peter also constructed schools such as the School of Mathematics and Navigation, and the Academy of Science. Having power over the army, Peter uses it to gain territory. As it is stated in The most Authoritative Guide to St. Petersburg found in The History of Petersburg, 2002 One of the Peters main goals was to regain access to the Baltic Sea and Baltic trade. In 1700 he started the Northern War with Sweden, which lasted for 21 years. In the course of the war St. Petersburg was founded (1703) in the Neva River delta. At the end of the war Russia was victorious and conquered the vast lands on the Baltic coast. Russia gained access to European trade and St. Petersburg became her major sea port. This shows that Peter has a lot of success in gaining prestige and territory for Russia. This goal of his career is accomplished. Peter of Russia has the power of the state, army, church and nobility. Further more he gains prestige and territory. He only goes wrong when it comes leaving an inheritor behind. As Anatoli Riassnovsky also states: Despite his notable success on the Baltic, Peters reign ended with a great question mark. He had long quarreled with his only son, Alexis. Peter was jealous of the young man and feared he might undertake sedition. In 1718 Peter had his son imprisoned and during his imprisonment, Alexis died mysteriously. This way, when Peter dies, no one comes to the throne. Years later, it is the Church and nobility that rule again. Peter fails leaving an inheritor and so the last goal of absolutism is not reached. Louis Quatorze (the Son King of France) and Peter I (the Great) of Russia are both absolute monarchs. However, their careers as monarchs are conclusively achieved due to that fact that both partially accomplish the goals of absolute monarchism. Louis of France does not succeed into gaining a lot of territory and leaves the majority of France in misery, while Peter of Russia fails to leave behind an inheritor and years later the nobility and Church takes control over the state again. Louis XIV and Peter I remain famous in the era of monarchism and in history, for it is due to their contributions that France and Russia have changed and become who they are today.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Essays

Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Essays Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Paper Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Paper Essay Topic: Utilitarianism Although Utilitarianism as a whole is a complicated and flawed ideology, Rule Utilitarianism (the more sympathetic concept of the two) tends to be more plausible than Act Utilitarianism. However Rule Utilitarianism is not without its own flaws that critics of JS Mill indicate. Critics of JS Mill say that Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because with Rule Utilitarianism, moral laws conflict, for example, the right to be free from hunger and want seems logical but destroying the rainforests to provide food goes against other Utilitarianism principles, whereas in Act Utilitarianism, according to Sidgwick, it is possible that an act may be moral and immoral at the same time. For Sidgwick, when making a moral decision you must respond to the immediate consequences of your actions but not the long term effect, as it isnt possible to be certain about the long term effects. Critics of Bentham and Sidgwick however would say that Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible because Rule Utilitarians believe that it is the quality of an act that is more important and not the greatest good for the greatest number as suggested by Bentham. Mill also believed that without individual liberty, societys happiness is not possible, which makes Rule Utilitarianism more plausible as it coincides with human rights whereas Bentham thinks that Human rights are ridiculous. According to Bentham, Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because it provides the greatest goo for the greatest number through the use of the hedonic calculus. By using the Hedonic calculus, one is able to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. The Hedonic calculus Is the test for all practical decisions and is an easy way to provide the greatest overall happiness for all sentient beings such as humans. The concept of the Hedonic Calculus for philosophers such as Mill, Brandt and Austin was far too complex and they considered it to be an impossible ideal to apply the hedonic calculus when making all decisions, especially when there is not time to carefully think about making a decision. Furthermore, Act Utilitarianism consider maims to be rules of thumb that can be disregarded in certain circumstances, whereas rule Utilitarians believe all moral laws must be obeyed. Rather than following the Hedonic Calculus, Rule Utilitarians instead made a set of general rules selected on the basis of whether they will maximise general good or welfare in society. These general rules apply the Principle of Utility so it is easier to apply them in everyday life, therefore making moral decision making a much easier and less complicated situation. In conclusion, Both act and Rule Utilitarianism have their flaws but overall, Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible than Act Utilitarianism because through Rule Utilitarianism it is easier to apply rules and moral laws and one focuses on the quality of happiness rather than the quantity, which can often lead to impractical decision making (for Act Utilitarians.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tips to Do Good in Examinations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tips to Do Good in Examinations - Essay Example Students must ensure they have complete notes when preparing for an exam so that they will not miss out any item. It will be wise to keep a notebook for every subject despite having a module, textbook or handouts. The notebook should be used to note down important ideas, reminders, and insights arising from class discussions or textual reading. Once students have gathered the notes, they are ready to review for the exam. Second, practice making predictions. Making predictions regarding the items that will appear in the exams is a useful skill to facilitate review. Taking hold of the course syllabus, students can predict what may come out in the exam. Some students do not realize that the syllabus contains clues regarding assessments. For one thing, teachers prepare tests (quizzes and long tests) based on the course objectives. Thus, reviewing the objectives of the course is necessary to know the knowledge and skills to be evaluated. Third, make notes for review. Making separate notes on a clean sheet of paper will help to attain better mastery. In particular, rewriting ideas is better than just reading notes. One strategy in making notes is to make the reviewer notes handy. Handy notes are easy to carry around and read instead of a notebook or textbook. Students may use a bond paper folded in four to write notes for review. ... Some students may find it more useful to post notes on the walls of their bedrooms. This practice is best for visual people (Learning Styles Explained). That way, they can go over the notes every time they glance at the walls or before retiring to bed and waking up. It will also help to vary the color of the posted notes for better recall. Meanwhile, auditory students may choose to record their voice while reading notes. The recorded recitation may be played repeatedly until mastery is achieved. Kinesthetic students may use a large board to write notes on. Writing notes on the board makes use of movements, which is best for kinesthetic learners. Fourth, test oneself. When reviewing, students should test themselves if they are retaining what they read. This is particularly important for tests requiring memorization. After memorizing, students should close their eyes and recite what they have memorized. Making acrostics out of the first letters of the terms to be memorized may help fac ilitate memorization. Likewise, jotting down memorized ideas will serve as a form of practice. Moreover, explaining what the terms mean promotes better cognitive skills. In doing this, students may record their voice so they can go over their recorded speech any time they want to. Fifth, seek a review partner. Reviewing with a partner is recommended to assess mastery. The other person will ask questions to be answered by the student without holding notes. It is recommended to have someone from the same class so that students can discuss or clarify ideas they are studying. Questioning each other will test mastery of what was studied individually. Additionally, preparing a mock test for each other may help. Student may prepare questions based on

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development Essay

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development - Essay Example the â€Å"new† internet and text messaging form of writing, Crystal adds that Educationalists have their responsibility as well in teaching children which style is appropriate to use for certain â€Å"occasions.† This is a website about researches done regarding the use of online chat to foster written language development of students who are deaf. It is about the efficacy of a strategy used to foster written language development for deaf students. Now, websites such as this one which posts research studies on language development for those who are also disabled is something that is of great value in the educational system. This also sends a message to the educational institutions that students with disablements are also of great importance and that we must also look for ways, research and studies that would further enhance their capacity in terms of education especially the learning and using of their language skills; because even if they are deaf, they still can write and has the potential to be great writers or even researchers. Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Web, hosted by Michigan State University, is all about foreign language development. Although English is the Universal language, the study of language per se is not solely focused on the English language. This website boasts of several topics on the business language in various languages like Korean, German and French to name a few. Intercultural Communication and Business language written in numerous languages is something that is of great help for students and those who are into the business industry. It gives the students and individuals tips and guides as to how to communicated and develop a cross-cultural awareness with the use of the web-based technology. This is a website all about language development. It is filled with bibliographies and topics with a little description below it to make referencing easier and user friendly. Participated by a lot of

Monday, November 18, 2019

What types of professional development, supporting growth in cultural Assignment

What types of professional development, supporting growth in cultural competence, could be offered to teachers - Assignment Example Consequently this creates fairness in the education sector (Barrera, 2005). Secondly, the type of professional development supporting growth in cultural competence that could be offered to teachers is RICS development model. It stands for Respect, Instruction, Collaboration and Supportive. Reflection engrosses thinking about the challenges affecting the learning like racism. Teachers are required to look within themselves and realign their deepest assumptions and perception to be self-conscious. Instruction assists teachers to learn specific strategies that will boost the diversity existing in various cultures. They assist in raising teacher’s knowledge to comprehend the dynamics of learning institution. Teachers ought to follow the set instruction to create healthful relationship to avoid this problem. Collaboration urges teaches to become united and build strong collaborative work cultures that improve edification of students. It allows for dialogue amid personalities such as principals, teachers, and parents for betterment of learners. Teachers are advised to talk to each other and be active listeners. Supportive is an aspect that acts as a foundation in which teachers use to increase self-efficacy encouraging them to initiate effective learning strategies. Beneficial programs such as mentoring program are significant since they proffer support system. For this reason are able to work aptly in an environment characterized with cultural

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The History Of Smartphones

The History Of Smartphones Introduction Mobile phones are amazing device which brings most of the works in a single hand. In the world one quarter of the earths population using a mobile phone. Therefore another mobile phones are Smartphones which are great phones and its a phenomenal .Smartphones are rich mobile personal gateways into the digital universe and its growing and expanding all over the digital world. In the digital worlds its combines content, commerce, computing, and community. It keep the home of,,,,,,,, and much, much more can brings all the website tools in a single device. Easily we can access the universe through mobile web browser as provided on Smartphones interfaces that make the experience more intuitive, more engaging, and more valuable. And just as the digital universe is steering the evolution of Smartphones, the increasing prevalence of Smartphones will steer the next phase of the evolution of the digital universe. Smartphones are famous for their versatility in a single day a Smartphones may be a contactless wallet, a barcode reader, a satellite navigation system, an email or social network client, a Wi-Fi hotspot, and be used to make a phone call. Given the growing importance of Smartphones, we believe it is important to assess the privacy and security risks of these devices. But only a few years ago, mobile phones were expensive device. Now people can buy easily and no longer dream able device anymore .Mobile phones are the most successful device of consumer electronics in history. Smartphones are now an essential tool in all sections of European society, from top government officials to businesses and consumers. In the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy alone, the number of Smartphones users are increasing day by day (around 62 million users). Lots of e-business companies their monetary value flowing through Smartphones, For example eBay expects 1.3 to 1.5 billion Euros in transactions through the i-Phone app in 2010. History of Smartphone 1984: Psion Organizer II8 bit processor9V battery, it lasted for several months!Develop own applications (OPL-language)Memory extensions, plug-in modules 1994: IBM Simon First real à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Smartphone TouchscreenPIM, Data communication 2001: Nokia 7650First 2.5G phone(GPRS, HSCSD)Light/proximitysensorSymbian OS -Open system! Nokia N95 (March 2007) QVGA display(16,7 Mio. Fabens, 6,6cm) 5 MPixelcamera(Carl Zeiss) Integrated GPS WLAN, UMTS, HSDPA USB, 3.5 mm audio connector, radio, TV-Out, Micro SD-support 120 g, 99x53x21mm In this report we give an overview of the key information and opportunities for Smartphones users. We stress that the risks should be balanced against the potential benefits of Smartphones 1. A description of the many potential benefits in terms of, for example, cost-savings, increased efficiency and a better quality of life is outside the scope of this report. To give just one example however, Smartphones are being used as smart-health sensors, allowing heart patients to stay at home safely, while having their heart issues controlled and monitored by medical staff. In this way Smartphones increase a patients quality of life and, at the same time, save healthcare costs. Dramatic Impact of Smart phones on Personal Life San Mateo, CA, April 13, 2010 Ring Central, which is a cloud computing based business phone system provider, their new survey find out that customers on the changing nature of business communications. The survey included Ring Centrals small to medium-sized business customers around the U.S. reveals that the Smartphone has going to an integral part of their daily life and a dramatic impact on personal life. Survey results provide that intimate relations and Smartphones tied as the number one thing survey respondents cannot live without. Another proof is that an increasingly mobile workforce would rather give up their morning cup of coffee than their Smartphones. The majority of people in the city they are using Smartphones as compared to home phone or office phone. On the other hand Smartphones are using more than computers for business and also encroaching on computers as well, more than 25% of surveyed showed that using the Smartphone more than the computer for business. In fact, nearly 8% dont even take their laptop when they travel for business if they carry their Smartphone. We can say that Smartphones are the new resolution in every single day in our personnel life and business. Smartphone is Primary Business Phone From survey find out that more than 45% of their phone communication via Smartphones. And nearly 80% of the surveyed showed that people are using the Smartphone as their primary business phone. Coupled of Years ago, laptops came qas a new era of working remotely. Now a days, cloud based systems and Smartphones have dramatically filled this trend and providing different kind of facility and access tools what helps to the people to do instead of physical office work they can carry all of work in a single hand. The nature of business are changing and its no longer dependent on location because of increasing demand for fingertips technology, which has increased the demand for professional business communication systems that are designed for a fully mobile workplace. Information Security Risk of Smartphone Consumer The phone is an integral part of a persons daily life e.g. private phone-calls, social networking, messaging, navigation, gaming, online banking, on-the-go entertainment, location based services, Internet browsing, micro-blogging, email, photography, video recording, e-health, etc. Employee The Smartphones is used by an employee in a business or government organization. It is used for business phone calls, Internet browsing, corporate email, expense management, customer relationship management, travel assistance, contact management and business social networking, video conferencing, scheduling tasks, and reading documents. In some cases workflow applications are run on the Smartphones, e.g. to fill in forms as part of an employee task. High Official The Smartphones is used by a high or top-level official in a business or government organisation, or by his or her close aide. The Smartphones is used as in usage scenario E but in addition it is used for dealing with sensitive information and/or tasks. Usage in this scenario is subject to security policies and the functionality of the Smartphones may be restricted or customized, for example by adding cryptographic modules for protecting call-confidentiality. Information security opportunities From an information security perspective, Smartphones have certain advantages over traditional PCs and mobile handsets. In this chapter we give an overview of the main information security opportunities for Smartphones users. Note that any concrete security benefit provided depends heavily in all cases on the extent to which the opportunities are exploited in practice. We have ordered the opportunities taking into account the rating from the experts consulted when writing this report. The experts were asked to rate on a scale ranging from no opportunity, through minor and medium opportunities, to major opportunity. Better backup and recovery Some Smartphones ship with convenient backup and recovery functions to address the risk to data availability of failure, loss, or theft. Smartphones are often well integrated with local or remote backup and recovery services. For example, some platforms automatically back up contacts, calendar or emails to a remote service. Smartphone applications, furthermore, often rely on network-based storage and backup. Overall this can make recovery of data in the event of a device failure, theft or loss quicker and more convenient and increase overall service availability. In some cases, Smartphones can even be located remotely via the network, allowing the user to recover a lost device more easily. Additionally, some Smartphones can be disabled and wiped remotely (and data may be easily recovered by the owner). This combined with above-mentioned backup and recovery services can be used to mitigate the risks associated to theft and loss. Extra authentication and non-repudiation options Smartphones are equipped with a smartcard reader, which gives additional options for authentication and non-repudiation. Smartphones can be used to improve the process of online authentication and provide a mechanism for non-repudiation. Smartphones lend themselves to such applications because: The SIM card used in Smartphones is a smartcard (50) and, with the appropriate software, licences and certificates in place can be used for PKI-based authentication and digital signatures (51). Although unavailability of smartcards and readers is not the only impediment to the uptake of PKI, this feature of Smartphones could be one factor in encouraging the use of PKI and digital signatures for the authentication of users and transactions. Smartphones may also take advantage of the shared secret between the SIM card and the HLR (Home Location Register) using the 3GPP standard Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA). Smartphones may also be used to create one-time-password codes without using SMS or network connections. Extra encryption options Smartphones allow users to use end-to-end encryption for phone calls and SMS more easily. Smartphones come with more processing power and third-party encryption applications are easily available to end-users. For call confidentiality, traditional handset users rely on encryption offered by the mobile network operator. Crypto-modules for additional protection are expensive and are typically only used by top-officials. However several third-party applications are now offering encryption for Smartphones voice calls, on top of the standard encryption provided by mobile network operators. Conclusion Across the technology world, other companies decided they wanted in too. Microsoft built its Windows mobile operating system, which today powers scores of Smartphones, while notable manufacturers like nokia, Sony Ericson and Samsung built devices of their own. Two years ago, apple staked a big claim when it introduced the hugely-hyped iPhone, and Palm shook up the sector again when it introduced its Pre model this summer. Today, Smartphone come in all shapes and sizes. some offer full alphabetic keyboard while others shun physical controls in favour of a touch-screen. Indeed, the variety is huge and you can bet that Smartphone will continue to change at the speed of light.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Defining One Country, Two System :: China Chinese Government Papers

Defining One Country, Two System Hong Kong is a very special city. It has a very interesting history. In 1842, Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong was ceded by China to Great Britain. In 1860, Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong was ceded to England. In 1898, the rest of Hong Kong, the New Territories and 235 outlying islands were leased to England for 99 years. In the early 1980’s, the British and Chinese government began to have negotiations about Hong Kong’s future since the lease would expire on July 1st, 1997. The leader of China, Deng XiaoPing, introduced the â€Å"One Country, Two System†. The â€Å"One Country, Two System† was intended by China to give Hong Kong’s citizen a promise that communism wouldn’t prevail over capitalism in Hong Kong. This way, China would gain trusts from Hong Kong’s citizens that the conditions would be the same when the Great Britain returned the sovereignty of Hong Kong back to China. British and Chinese representatives signed the British-Sino Joint Declaration in 1984, authorizing the transition of Hong Kong’s sovereignty in the midnight of July 1st, 1997. Hong Kong citizens were excited that Hong Kong would finally return to its motherland. China wanted to show the world that the â€Å"One Country, Two System† would be unique and successful so that China could attract Macau and Taiwan to return to China. In the early 1990’s, the Basic Law was published in order to make the practice of â€Å"One Country, Two System† a legal procedure. In the Basic Law, it stated that Hong Kong would become an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China (1). China would authorize Hong Kong to practice a high degree of autonomy, and enjoy executive, legislative, and independent judicial power (2). The executive authorities and legislative of Hong Kong shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong (3). Hong Kong residents would have their rights and freedoms (4). The socialist system and policies wouldn’t be practiced in Hong Kong, and the previous capitalist system and way of life would remain unchanged for 50 years (5). Hong Kong would protect the right of private ownership of property in accordance with law (6). The laws previously enforced in Hong Kong, the common law, rules of equity, ordinances, subordinate legislation and customary laws, would be maintained (8).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Childhood Obesity in America Essay

Ahhh there is nothing better than waking up at noon to the smell of some freshly cooked bacon and a heaping pile of blueberry pancakes. Mom makes them fresh every weekend morning. Usually the bacon and pancakes don’t quite do the trick so the pantry is raided next. At the top of the pantry next to the family size bag of Doritos, which will most likely be consumed later in the night, lays the hardest decision that will have to be made all day long. Which one of these sugary cereals shall be devoured this morning and fill up the rest of this already overstuffed belly? Reese’s Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Puffs or the tasteless Raisin Bran that Mom and Dad prefer. You can definitely count out the Raisin Bran. Cocoa Puffs it is. After grabbing the largest bowl that could be found in the house, the Cocoa Puffs are smothered in chocolate syrup to make the already chocolate milk even more chocolaty and delicious. After every last puff goes down the hatch it is time to chug the extra chocolaty milk right from the bowl. Now that the belly is completely stuffed it is time for a nap. A nap is necessary after a long night of online gaming on the brand new Xbox 360 that mom bought last week. The other players don’t stand a chance after a week non-stop gaming with a few breaks here and there for the much needed meals and bathroom breaks. After the well- deserved napping session it is back to the big screen. Only this time it is not to play video games because the carpel tunnel is acting up in the left hand again. This time it is to watch the Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives marathon on the Food Network. You just can’t get enough of the food network. But all this talk about food is making the stomach rumble and it is time for lunch. Mom promised that she will take us to the McDonalds that is right down the street if the chores were done. Little brothers are great. After slipping him a whole two dollars, the chores are done in no time and a McDonald’s double quarter pounder with extra cheese is all that is on the brain. The clerk at the counter asked, â€Å"Would you like to Supersize that sir?† After thinking for a  second about the giant container of fries and the bucket of coke the answer was easy, â€Å"Yes, Ma’am!† But why stop there? It is March and all those commercials about the new Shamrock Shake make it nearly unbearable. After a delicious lunch the only thing on the mind on this beautiful Saturday afternoon is getting back to that big screen TV and playing the brand new Call of Duty game. While all the other kids are outside running around pretending to shoot each other, the real action is inside this intense videogame. After an exhausting night, it is time to go to bed with plans for tomorrows day on the mind. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the Un ited States. The article, â€Å"Obesity in America: What’s Leading the Epidemic?† states that nearly one thousand people are killed each day from obesity. Obesity is measured by BMI or Body Mass Index. This measures how much body fat someone has based on their height and how much they weigh. The author, Harvard Men’s Health Watch states that a BMI of twenty five or more qualifies as overweight and a BMI of thirty or more qualifies as obese. About 63% of Americans are considered overweight and about 31% are considered to be obese (Harvard Men’s Health Watch 2012). These numbers are strikingly large. This article only focuses on the adults that are obese in the United States and doesn’t focus much on the children. The children are what America should really be focused on because some day they will make up majority of the population. The most obese child in the world is Jessica Guade who is seven years old and weighs four hundred and eighty two pounds. That is heavier than a majority of people in the entire world. Every single day she drinks ten thousand calories in Coca-Cola and consumes fifteen hamburgers. She can’t even walk and gets around by rolling. How can a parent do this to their child? Are they afraid to say no or do they just not care about their child’s health? This is what the American life is doing to children. These numbers will continue to go up and we will see more children like Jessica if nothing is done about this epidemic. American life is changing and people are adapting to new culture which is making them focus less on their weight and appearance. The main factors that contribute to the obesity outburst are the lack of exercise, watching way too much television, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat. With the changes in television and advertising on television, Americans crave things that they see on TV. When you are watching TV you will see countless fast food advertisements where they make the food look so delicious and look like it was prepared in a five star restaurant. This is just one of the many tricks that advertisers use in order to get people to buy their products. The sad part is that most of the time it works. Americans see all of these advertisements on TV and all they want to do is go out and buy it. These days children are watching so much television rather than playing outside. Young children are the main target for some advertisers like McDonalds and Burger King. In all of their commercials they show images of children eating their food and it makes children want to go and get it. Not only are there a lot of commercials about fast foods, but there are commercials about snacks and drinks as well. According to M. Mello in their article, â€Å"Federal Trade Commiss ion Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role†, a majority of the food and drink advertisements on television are advertising things that are unhealthy for the human body to consume (Mello 2010). The amount of these advertisements is ridiculous and according to this article the FDA has had to start cutting the airing of a lot of them. Not only are the advertisements on TV a problem, but the amount of television that children watch is an even bigger one. These days’ kids would rather stay inside and watch TV and play video games rather than going outside and playing sports like the past generations. The video games of this generation have made it possible for children to virtually play any sport that they want instead of going outside and physically breaking a sweat and playing them. Television has made Americans so much lazier than they used to be. People don’t get out of the house nearly as much as they used too. Instead of going out to the ballpark and watching baseball games, they just go out and buy big screen televisions and sit on their butts and watch them. Children look up to their parents and will adapt these kinds of habits from them. This is a huge reason why children are becoming so obese in America. The amount of television that kids watch and how many video games they play has a direct correlation to the lack of exercise in America these days. To children, a videogame or cartoon show is much more appealing than running around outside and exercising. Also, the developing culture of America as a whole has added to the lack of exercise in Americans.  Technology has simplified nearly every aspect of human life. Rather than walking everywhere like our ancestors did, everyone drives, or takes the bus, or does anything that keeps them from using up their energy and breaking a sweat. As the parents of children are doing this, their children adapt to that lifestyle and in turn they end up doing the same thing and start to live the way that their parents live. In the old days you would see people walking all over the streets, but now that there are automobiles the streets are just lined with traffic. As cities are bec oming more civilized and advanced, there are less and less places for people to work out, and for kids to run around and play outside. In the article, â€Å"Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity† by, T. Rahman, R.A. Cushing, and R.J. Jackson, it states that the neighborhood the child lives in has a huge impact on their health. For example, if there are bike paths and places to play outside and run around, the child will be more physically active, but if these things aren’t in place, then the child is more prone to stay inside and watch television and gain weight as a result of that (Cushing 2011). While watching television they don’t have to get up to do anything anymore. Remote controls have changed the world. You can change the channel on the television, turn on and off the lights, and answer the phone right from your chair without getting up to do anything. The only thing that people have to get up to do is go and get more food from the fridge. Less and less children are becoming involved in athletics and exercise. Going outside and running around is much less appealing to children then it used to be. Lack of exercise is a huge contributing factor to obesity and children and something needs to be done about it. Fast food is so easy, quick, and convenient. Most Americans live a lifestyle th at is always on the move and always busy. It is very easy for them to turn to fast food and grab a quick meal before they go to work. Not only is it fast and easy, but there are so many fast food restaurants in the United States. In 1970 McDonalds operated close to one thousand establishments; in 2002 nearly thirty-five thousand restaurants were being operated. An estimated two thousand new McDonalds are opened each year. That is the road that most Americans choose rather than trying to sit down and eat a home cooked meal. That goes along with the laziness of Americans. In this article from CBS news â€Å"Fast Food linked to Child Obesity†, it states that â€Å"Every day, nearly one-third of U.S. children  aged 4 to 19 eat fast food, which likely packs on about six extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity† (CBSNEWS 2010). Fast food is so much faster and easier than going to the grocery store and getting all the ingredients needed to cook a nice healthy meal for your family. Instead most parents resort to the greasy, salty, and fatty foods that fast food establishments have to offer. According to J.Hariss’s article â€Å"Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions†, â€Å"Humans possess an innate preference for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods, and a reluctance to try unfamiliar foods† (Hariss 2011).Although some fast food restaurants offer substitutions like how McDonalds offers apples instead of French fries, most people do not choose these substitutions. People are more concerned about taste then health and to them, greasy salty foods taste better than apples. The only time that children would choose to eat the healthier choice is when their parents are with them. According to M. Stutts in their article, â€Å" Nutrition Information and Children’s Fast Food Menu Choices†, when children go into fast food restaurants alone, they will choose to eat whatever they want regardless of the fat content. When their parents went with them they influenced them to choose the healthier items on the menu (Stutts 2009). The problem with the items on the fast food menus is that they are full of calories. The recommended calorie intake for a thirteen year old child that weighs ninety pounds is about thirteen hundred calories each day. A McDonlad’s cheeseburger happy meal with a low fat milk as a drink has approximately seven hundred calories. That is half of the amount of calories that is needed in one day. On top of that most chi ldren these days aren’t exercising at all and all of those calories turn straight into fat. Fast food in general is so unhealthy for your body and if it was cut out completely, the number of obese children would be reduced dramatically. There are so many factors that play into why children are becoming so obese, but eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat is the number one reason why they are so obese. Most people in the world worry about the way they look when they look in the mirror. They will do anything to make themselves â€Å"look skinnier† and make themselves look more attractive. Nobody every worries about what is going on inside of their body. Most Americans do not realize that being overweight or obese can have some serious negative health effects  on the body. There are so many aspects of life that are affected by obesity. Your metabolism, health of your muscles, bones, organs, and other parts of your body can be greatly affected when you are at an unhealthy weight. In the article â€Å"Obesity in America: Large Portions, Large Proportions,† the author talks about some of the health risks that are involved with obesity. Some of the health risks are coronary artery disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, many forms of cancer, osteoarthritis, fatty liver, and depression (Large Portions, Large Proportions 2006). Obesity can ultimately lead to a shorter life span from the health risks. It is obvious from this article that there are some major health risks from obesity that can affect your body in a very negative way. It is important that people take care of their bodies so that they can live happy and healthy lifestyles. A huge part of the childhood obesity problem is that the children have no idea what they are doing to their bodies by not exercising and having unhealthy diets. The author of this paper had the opportunity to educate children on the proper nutrition and recommended hours of exercise daily through a service learning project that was completed with the help of a middle school from their hometown. Service learning is defined as â€Å"a method of teaching and learning that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities† (What is Service-Learning, 2008). The author was given the chance to strengthen the community and inform young children about the dangers of obesity. The author did so by creating an informative brochure that the principle of Rosa Parks Middle School Dr. Donna Redmond Jones enjoyed and agreed to hand out to students around the school. The brochures were also made available in the health room where students can just come in and pick one up. In completing the service learning project, the author was able to gain a lot of knowledge on obesity, more importantly the health risks and ways to prevent them. The author also gained the fulfillment that he had informed young students about these risks and was able to benefit the community. The service project was ultimately successful because the author was able to re-teach the knowledge that he had gained from research to the children that the research was about. The information that has been provided in this paper demonstrates how a lack of exercise, watching too much television, and eating too many foods high in calories and fat, has lead to the obesity epidemic that is in America today. The number of obese children in American is an absurd number. Children in America these days don’t worry about their image and their weight as much as they used to. All they are worried about is what TV show they are going to watch next, what video game they are going to play, and what type of fast food they are going to eat today. The idea of going outside and exercising never crosses their mind. If parents gave their children a little motivation to get involved in sports and exercising, the number of obese children in America would decrease substantially. Parents don’t motivate their kids because they are doing the same exact thing as them. Not only are there a lot of obese children in America, but there are an incredible amount of obese adu lts as well. Children are prone to learn from what their parents do and inherit the bad habits that they have. So therefor if a parent is eating fatty foods and sitting around watching TV all day, their children will do the same thing. There are so many health risks that can come from obesity that you would think people would be more worried about it. Do people not pay attention to the warnings and health risks? Do they not really care about the way they look and the negative effects that it can have on the body? The prevalence of technology in America has changed the world greatly. It has made things so much easier, but in turn it has made Americans so much lazier. Everything can be done from a seat on the couch without having to get up at all. Watching too much television, lack of exercise, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat are the three biggest factors that play into the amount of obese children these days, but there are a ton of factors that play into why Americans are so overweight. Something needs to be done about this epidemic before we see more serious side effects from obesity. References La Merrill, M., & Birnbaum, L. S. (2011). Childhood Obesity and Environmental Chemicals. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 22-48. doi:10.1002/msj.20229 Anzman, S. L., Rollins, B. Y., & Birch, L. L. (2010). Parental influence on children’s early eating environments and obesity risk: implications for prevention. International Journal Of Obesity, 34(7), 1116-1124. doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.43 Harris, J. L., & Bargh, J. A. (2009). Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions. Health Communication, 24(7), 660-673. doi:10.1080/10410230903242267 Rahman, T., Cushing, R. A., & Jackson, R. J. (2011). Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 49-57. doi:10.1002/msj.20235 Stutts, M., Zank, G. M., Smith, K. H., & Williams, S. A. (2011). Nutrition Information and Children’s Fast Food Menu Choices. Journal Of Consumer Affairs, 45(1), 52-86. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6606.2010.01192.x Mello, M. M. (2010). Federal Trade Commission Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 35(2), 227- 276. doi:10.1215/03616878-2009-051 Obesity in America: What’s driving the epidemic?. (2012). Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 16(7), 5-7. Anderson, S. E., & Whitaker, R. C. (2010). Household Routines and Obesity in US Preschool-Aged Children. Pediatrics, 125(3), 420-428. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0417 Obesity in America: large portions, large proportions. (2006). Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 10(6), 1-5. Fast Food Linked to Child Obesity. (2009) The Associated Press. CBS News.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Hypocrisy of Washington essays

The Hypocrisy of Washington essays When looking at the men who founded this country it is easy to lift them onto a pedestal and perceive them as perfect. The time itself is looked at as purely American; a time when American ideals were lived for the first time, when the ideals were lived perfectly and perhaps lived for the last time. Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. Alexander Hamilton. John Adams. George Washington. Those names seem to be synonymous with America, with liberty, and with everything American culture stands for. Thus, seeing America as perfect, as something like the light in a world full of darkness, it is no wonder that Americans see these men as perfection embodied in men. Looking more closely it is found that there were faults in these men. Franklin was an arrogant, self-righteous, and obnoxious man. Hamilton and Adams were the same pigheaded. Yet, despite the fact that faults can be seen in these men, the higher caste founder, George Washington, is still seen as faultless. He is see n as the person who, seemingly by his mere will alone, made this country; molded thirteen colonies into what is now the most powerful country in the world. It is odd to think that he could have been at fault in some arena of his life. It is strange and slightly daunting to actually search his life for that fault. It is relieving and refreshing to have found one that, however slight it may have been, still reverberates in the modern time and culture. In order to understand George Washington and his main fault his time period must be thoroughly examined. George Washington was born February 22, 1732. Little is actually known about his childhood aside from menial details and facts. His father, Augustine Washington, after enlarging his third generation Virginian land holdings died in 1743. Thus, from the age of eleven Washington was raised by his mother, Mary. He learned to read and write at a young age either by tutors or at the local school...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Methodology - Proofed

Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Methodology - Proofed Tips for Writing Your Dissertation’s Methodology Chapter The methodology chapter is one of the most important parts of any dissertation. This is because it’s where you set out your research approach, data-gathering techniques and various other crucial factors. As such, your methodology must be clear, concise and packed with detail. A good methodology chapter will provide a step-by-step breakdown of every stage of your research, ideally so that subsequent researchers would be able to recreate your work at a later date. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, try not to worry: We have a few tips to help make sure that your work fits the scientific bill. And don’t forget that Proofed’s expert proofreaders are available to check your work before handing in, so now there’s no reason that your methodology shouldn’t be perfectly preserved for future scientists! 1. Outline Your Research Approach Your research approach makes a massive difference to the methods you use. Quantitative research, for instance, deals with numerical data and statistics, while qualitative research often focuses on subjective meanings. Clearly stating the approach you’re using will help your reader follow your work. 2. Be Descriptive Detail is key when it comes to methodology. Make sure to describe how your data was gathered and analyzed, as well as relating the sampling method used if relevant. 3. Justify Your Choices Every decision you make should be justified. One way to do this is to consider how the methods you choose help to answer your research question. You may also wish to compare your method with those used in similar existing studies. 4. Methodological Limitations Different methods each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Consider whether the methodology you have chosen has any constraints, perhaps by comparing it with alternative methods that you could have used. 5. Ethics Modern research demands high ethical standards, especially if human subjects are involved. If this is the case with your work, your methodology section should include details of how you have minimized the risk of harm to your subjects. This will include issues of confidentiality and consent. 6. Generalizability Your methodological choices have a direct impact on whether your results can be validly applied to other populations. You should therefore consider whether your work can be generalized within the methodology chapter. 7. Appendices The appendices are your best friend when writing up your methodology. This is where you can put any indirectly relevant material  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ including questionnaires, consent forms and other documents used in the research – so that the main body of your methodology section remains clear and succinct.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Organisational Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Organisational Analysis - Essay Example In the current study, few of these organisational aspects will be discussed in detail, taking reference from a film. The film, Charlie and the chocolate factory, is an adaptation of a book published in 1964. The story revolves around a poor little kid named Charlie Bucket, who gets an opportunity to tour Willy Wonk’s chocolate factory, famous in the entire world. After nearly a decade, the eccentric and reclusive chocolate maker, Willy Wonka, opens his door for the public. However, he sets a lottery of five golden tickets and five winners were allowed to visit the factory for a day. The tour was to be given by Willy Wonka himself. This was a dream come true situation for young Charlie Bucket (Teaching Ideas, 2014). Culture plays an important role in shaping an organisation. Culture can be described as behaviours and values which contribute to the unique psychological and social environment of a firm. It consists of a firm’s experiences, expectations, values as well as philosophies, holding the organisation together and expressing their inner working and self-image. The culture of an organisation can be understood and analysed through various aspects: Now coming to the film, organisational culture can be understood by the relationship shared between Willy Wonka and his employees, the Oompa-Loompas. These were short humans, different from normal sized ones and had very particular working and communication styles. Nonetheless, Willy Wonka always appreciated them and gave them full liberty, in terms of conducting their work; making decisions, in terms of process and manufacturing; as well as taking consultation from these Oompa-Loompas, which has been shown in the plot. The overall flow of information and power was very streamlined and controlled as the Oompa employees were very disciplined, hierarchical and strict followers of rules. Another factor, which helped in increasing overall efficiency of the organisation, was inter-cultural relationship

Saturday, November 2, 2019


BIOLOGY GENETICS PROBLEMS AND ANTIBIOTICS - Essay Example All combinations are represented and would therefore occur. After pollination a plant with rough stems and yellow flowers with pollen from another plant of the same species having rough stems and white flowers, adequate precautions being taken to prevent pollination occurring in any other way, 80 seeds were obtained. The F1 phenotypic ratio is 3:1:3:1, rough yellow, smooth yellow, rough white, smooth white. The genotypic ratio is 1:1:2:2:1:1. All combinations have occurred, but two showed elevated results according to genotypic and phenotypic ratios. In the fruit fly Drosophila the wild type (normal) is grey in colour with wings that extend beyond the tip of abdomen. Among the mutants of Drosophila are two which are respectively distinguished by dark body colour (ebony) and a vestigial condition of the wings (vestigial) In guinea pigs, black coat colour is dominant to brown and short hair is dominant to long hair. These characters are not linked. A breeder has only stocks of pure breeding, long-haired brown and pure breeding, short-haired black guinea pigs. Since the breeder only has stocks of pure breeding long haired brown which would be homozygous recessive (bbss) and pure breeding short haired black which would be homozygous dominant (BBSS), F1 would yield 100% black short haired guinea pigs, with heterozygous genotype BbSs. (a) Self-pollination of one of the F, plants – self pollination of genotype TtGgRr would yield 64 genotypes total, 27 possible genotype combinations, and 8 phenotype combinations. The most notably going to the heterozygous genotype TtGgRr with 8 times. Phenotypes were tall green round, short green round, tall green wrinkled, short green wrinkled. There were no yellow plants. There were 8 possible genotypes yielding only genotypes leading to green and no yellow plants. Normal (wild-type) strains of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster have greyish brown bodies if developed on food media free of silver salts, but